HUCBMS Constitution



Heads of University Centres of Biomedical Sciences (HUCBMS) Constitution.

HUCBMS was formed in 1993 in association with the Institute of Biomedical Science (IBMS).  It is also a member organisation of the Society of Biology.




To promote the quality of biomedical sciences teaching and research to the highest national and international standards.

Towards these ends HUCBMS will:

  • Make representation to relevant bodies and organisations on matters concerned with the organisation, funding and assessment of biomedical sciences teaching and research;
  • advise upon and promote, relevant membership of panels, boards and committees concerned directly and indirectly with biomedical sciences
  • provide a reference point for bodies and organisations concerned directly or indirectly with biomedical sciences teaching and research;
  • provide a forum for the collection and dissemination of information and exchange of views on matters of common interest to centres engaged in biomedical sciences teaching and research;
  • promote co-operation between centres engaged in biomedical sciences teaching and research.

These functions are discharged through an Executive Committee elected by the members of HUCBMS and an Annual Conference, which is open to all members.  The Executive Committee will meet periodically and the AGM will be held at the annual conference in September.

Executive Committee

There will normally be NINE members of the Executive Committee elected by the membership at the AGM. Members will normally serve for three years unless elected to a position of responsibility within the Executive.  The President will normally hold office for 3 years and will remain on the committee for a further 1 year.  The Vice-President will hold office for 2 years and then normally succeed the outgoing President.  The Hon. Treasurer will normally serve for 3 years.

An Hon. Executive Secretary will be appointed by the Executive Committee. Such a person will normally be associated with a member institution and preferably have had at least 3 years experience of the workings of the Executive Committee.

The election of members of the Executive Committee will take place at the Annual General Meeting (AGM). Voting members (one per member organisation) will nominate and second appropriate member(s) and, if necessary, vote. The Executive Committee may submit for consideration by the membership of HUCBMS at the AGM, nominees for election to the Executive Committee by virtue of their particular expertise and experience.

The Chair of the Education and Professional Standards Committee, the Chief Executive and the Head of Education of the IBMS will be invited to attend meetings.  The conference organiser of that particular year will also be invited to attend.  In addition, the Executive Committee reserves the right to co-opt one or more individuals of member organisations to represent specific groups/issues.





Membership of HUCBMS

Full membership is open to all centres involved significantly in biomedical sciences teaching or research.  Each centre is entitled to nominate one voting representative to attend the AGM, normally held during the Annual Conference.

Annual Conference

All member institutions will be invited to send delegates to the Annual Conference. Non-member institutions may also attend the annual conference but not the AGM.  The conference location will normally circulate around member institutions.  The organisation of the conference will be the responsibility of the local organiser(s) who will be agreed by the Executive Committee.  The Executive Committee will approve the business plan and plan the programme for the conference.






Membership requires payment of an annual fee (currently £225 but reviewed annually) to cover administrative expenses, the expenses resulting from meetings of the Executive Committee (including meetings with other relevant bodies and organisations) and other incidental expenses incurred by the Officers (President, Vice-President, Honorary Executive Secretary and Honorary Treasurer). The HUCBMS financial year is from 1st January to 31st December and a finance report will be made to the AGM.


The HUCBMS website is at www.hucbms.org.  Notes of Executive Committee and Annual General meetings, details of annual conferences and announcements of important issues to member institutions will be placed here.  Representatives of member institutions are encouraged to visit this site regularly.



Updated October 2022



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