Resources for Members


This page contains local resources and links to news items, organisations and websites that staff at HUCBMS member institutions may find useful.


Registers of individuals available to act as external examiners and validation panel members/advisors 

The Register of External Examiners/Advisors is provided as a service to HUCBMS member institutions but no recommendation as to the suitability of the individuals named within is made or implied. The individuals who appear on this register have indicated a willingness to act in the capacity of External Examiner/Advisor, but it is the responsibility of the member institution to determine the suitability of the individual for the role in question taking into consideration the requirements of their own institutional regulations and the recomendations/ requirements of the QAA and appropriate professional/ regulatory bodies.





Department of Heath and Social Care, UK 

Department of Health and Social Care website

Public Health, Scotland

Public Health Scotland website

Public Health Wales

Public Health Wales website

Department of Health, Northern Ireland

NI Department of Health website

Health & Social Care (HSE) Ireland

HSE web pages

UK Quality Assurance Agency

"Subject Benchmark Statements describe the nature of study and the academic standards expected of graduates in specific subject areas. They show what graduates might reasonably be expected to know, do and understand at the end of their studies".

Biomedical Sciences subject benchmark statement

Biosciences subject benchmark statement 









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